Welcome To The Embroidery Training Resource Center


Recommended Tools

Membership Training Levels

How To Start An Embroidery Business

Design Programs

Business Building Programs



Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery CoachThis is Joyce Jagger, The Embroidery Coach, and I want to welcome you to this program. You made a great decision to sign up for the Embroidery Training Resource Center.

The Embroidery Training Resource Center is the home of our Embroidery Training in all of the individual programs.  Whatever program you signed up for, you will be able to access through this portal. The information that is contained here is very important. It has taken me years to learn all that I have included. This entire program is all about skill transfer. My goal here is to pass my 40 plus years of knowledge on to you. I want to help you increase your skills, so you can make more money now and forever.

I want to acknowledge you for signing up for this program. You made the right decision to become a professionally trained embroiderer. Whether you are new to embroidery or have been doing embroidery for quite some time, these programs will help you increase your skill level, give you shortcuts and tips that you may not have been exposed to before, help you attract more clients, and develop more repeat customers.

I want to briefly go over how you find all the information. On the main page, you will click on the Members Log In link in the Top Right corner of the page. You will then be taken to the login page where you will enter your Username and Password. The Username is usually your email address from the registration form you previously filled out. If you have any challenges you can email us at joyce@theembroiderycoach.com

After you log in, you will go to the column on the LEFT SIDE of the page, select the level of program that you belong to, and click on that link. When you open up the page, you will find the individual Sections listed that are applicable to your level of membership. When you click on the individual section, it will open up to a page that will have the links to each subject.  When you click on the Subject, you will find all of the videos, some articles, and other information about that particular subject.

If you have purchased a single program, you will go to the column on the LEFT SIDE of the page and select the appropriate link that says either Design Programs or Business Building Programs. 

To Get The Most Benefit From Each Program 

To watch the videos, you can just click on the video. Most of them are very short, but you want to watch them over and over. My coach says that it takes 7 times of watching and hearing something for lessons to become so matter of fact that you do not have to think about the action. I have kept each one very simple and to the point, but that does not mean that you can watch it once or twice and remember it at a moment’s notice. That will not happen; especially, when you run into a problem.

What I would like for you to do is to download all of the articles & Guides and place them inside of a 3-ring binder so that you will have all of your information in front of you for a good reference guide. This makes it easy to look something up when you need help.

Remember what I said in the beginning, I am transferring my skill set to you, but if you do not practice and practice, you will not remember, and that skill will not have been transferred to you!

I look forward to working with you inside of The Embroidery Training Resource Center!

Joyce Jagger
The Embroidery Coach