You Might Be Thinking It’s Really Hard to Build An Embroidery Business‚
Well, Think Again! With Simple To Follow Directions,
You Can Learn Quickly & Easily From An Embroidery Industry Expert!
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar To YOU?
You own an embroidery machine but it is sitting there collecting dust because you are not sure how to even start using it!
- You have your own Embroidery Business, but want to improve your embroidery skills and the way that your embroidery designs sew out?
- Employee training and mistakes are costing you time and money!
- Customers want an embroidery thread color that you do not carry and it will cost you the entire profit from the job just to have the thread shipped in! What do you do?
- An order comes in with a new type of fabric and you don’t know where to begin to find out what type of embroidery backing or stabilizer you should use for this fabric!
- Your embroidery machine eats up a shirt or worse yet, your 6 head machine just ate up 6 shirts!
- You see holes in your garments after you finish the embroidery!
- Your design just does not look the same on the moisture wicking or stretchy fabrics!
- Your shirt is puckered after you finish the embroidery!
I know how frustrating it is to try and get your embroidery business started when you do not have any help! It took me a long time and a lot of mistakes before I finally figured out how to get my business started.
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar To YOU?
A Customer comes in and wants a price quote and he is in a hurry. You have no idea how to give him a price when he is standing right in front of you! A customer brings in a dozen shirts that he purchased at a discount store and wants them embroidered in a hurry. You have to work up his design and he is resisting the setup charge. How do you handle this? The fact is you are not alone, I hear it all the time!
- You are pricing your embroidery about the same as the competition, but you are not making enough money to pay all of your bills!
- You keep growing and bringing in more business, but there is never enough money for you!
- You have too much work that is all due at the same time and you don’t know how you are going to be able to get it all done!
- What do you do first? How do you get all of this work scheduled?
- There are months when there is hardly enough embroidery work to pay the bills! What can I do to bring in more work during those times?
- Customers want their embroidery work rushed‚ and you are not even sure if you can afford to do a rush job!
Building An Embroidery Business Is Not Easy When You Have To Do It Without Any Help!
The right embroidery business training will shorten your learning curve and you will be up and running quickly! Now is your time to start realizing the type of business you have always dreamed of! You have been waiting long enough for the help to get you to that next level. Isn’t It Time For You To Stop Working So Hard or Just Getting By? The wait is over!
I am Joyce Jagger, “The Embroidery Coach” and I help embroidery business owners that are ready to take massive action to shift their embroidery business into high gear! Through online embroidery business training and one on one coaching:
- I help you avoid pitfalls!
- You will learn how to price your embroidery!
- You will discover easy steps to follow on your path to success!
As a former owner of a profitable embroidery business, I am now in the business of helping you start your own profitable embroidery business or help you take your current embroidery business to a higher profit level. I’ve spent over a decade helping other embroiderers get started and increase their profits. Embroidery can be a very lucrative business when you have the right systems, approach, and tools in place!
So What Is The Embroidery Training Resource Center?
The Embroidery Training Resource Center is an online video training membership site that teaches you Quick Tips and proven embroidery techniques. It will help you in all areas of learning how to embroider and how to operate a profitable embroidery business. This is the only source of embroidery training you will ever need.
I share my insider secrets from over 30 years of experience that you can’t find in any classroom. What this means to you is less trail and error! I once had a teacher tell me that “Smart people learn by their mistakes, but Smarter people learn from other people’s mistakes!” That is what I want you to be. There is no reason for you to go through what I did, you can learn and profit from my mistakes!

You will receive easy to understand instructions that include many basic techniques…such as:
Basic Set Ups & Tools – You are taught many basic setups and tools that you need to use. How to change a cone of thread, how to change a needle, how to change a bobbin and the basic tools for each.
Embroidery Backing & Toppings – You are given very specific guidelines for selecting the right backing/stabilizers
to use for each of the different fabrics.
Embroidery Thread Tensions – You are taught how to set your tensions and the best tools to use and how to keep your embroidery thread tensions balanced so that you avoid bird nesting and have great quality stitching.
Favorite Embroidery Backing Recipes – I even share my favorite backing/stabilizer recipes for most fabrics along with the Style Numbers of each one and the source for my backings to make it easy!
Embroidery Hooping Guidelines – Easy to follow guidelines with pictures showing you many garments along with what backing & needles to use for different types of garments avoiding mistakes!
Embroidery Placement – A Placement Chart for the Left Chest or Right Chest embroidery design applications and Guidelines are given for placement for all of the most popular applications on garments as well as linens!
Embroidery Finishing – How to finish a garment to create that quality presentation whether it is a sample or a completed order for a customer! Finishing a garment properly is huge in how your customer will perceive your quality!
Embroidery Machine Maintenance – How to maintain your machines on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis with forms to keep track of your maintenance.
I share my insider secrets from over 30 years of experience that you can’t find in any classroom. What this means to you is less trial and error! I once had a teacher tell me that “Smart people learn by their mistakes, but Smarter people learn from other people’s mistakes!” That is what I want for you! There is no reason for you to go through what I did, you can learn and profit from my mistakes!
“Simple Step By Step Special Design Techniques”
These videos will give you the skills to tackle embroidery jobs that you previously had to turn down. The skills learned from these videos will greatly increase your monthly revenue!
Embroidery Applique – There are several videos that show you step by step how to create one color appliques, 2 color appliques and more. I created an applique on a jacket back using several colors with a lot of embroidery added. I also show you a simple way to create the applique made from felt fabrics that are so popular with the school crowd and young adults! I even show you how to create the zig zag athletic twill look that can be done on uniforms. I show you how to set up an applique in the software.
Puff or 3D Foam Embroidery – Puff embroidery on caps is easy when you have the right instructions. I show you a simple method for applying the puff or foam embroidery on caps. If you want to create a single block letter on a cap, I give you Step by Step instructions showing you how to create the file for your puff embroidery design using your basic stock block embroidery font lettering that you have in your software. For most designs, it is best to have the file digitized by a professional and then you will follow this simple method for applying the foam.
How To Embroider Small Letters – Small lettering can be an issue for many people especially when they are first starting out with their embroidery business. I show you how to create small lettering that will sew out great on any type of fabric. I even give you the right settings to use for your lettering designs. I use the Pulse software but these same settings will work in any embroidery design software. The names of your tools may not be the same as mine, but your underlay, pull comp, and density settings will be present in your embroidery software.
How To Embroider on Caps – Many people struggle with caps! Caps can be your biggest money maker! I show you step by step how to easily hoop and embroider a design on a cap! There are many different types of caps and you must master each one in order to be able to offer your customers a good selection. This does not mean every cap on the market, I am just talking about the different types of caps. You want to be able to embroider the cap on the front and sides in one hooping and I show you how to accomplish this. I have a very simple method for this.
How To Embroider Patches – Patches are very easy to make as long as you only have a small quantity. This is a simple way to create company patches if you have a customer that only has a few employees and furnishes their uniforms. I show you how to embroider a name on a patch blank. This series of videos will show you in a step by step method how to prepare your fabric for your patches, how to set them up, how to hoop your fabric, how to finish your patches, and I even show you how to sew on a finished patch using your embroidery machine.
How To Use Embroidery Underlay Stitching – It is very important to understand what type of underlay stitching to use when you are creating your embroidery designs whether you are digitizing a design or setting up a design using basic lettering. Underlay is your foundation for your embroidery and it is very important to use the right type of underlay stitching in order to produce high-quality embroidery. I teach you how to use the different types of underlay stitching in your embroidery designs and lettering.
Understanding Embroidery Push & Pull Compensation – Every stitch type and segment of our design needs push or pull compensation added for high quality. Understanding Push & Pull Compensation is extremely important and is one of the basics of every design. I teach you exactly what your settings are that you should apply for your Pull Compensation and show you the difference in your push and pull compensation and I also teach you what settings to use for the different types of fabrics.
How To Create Monograms – This is a full program teaching you how to create 1, 2, 3 and even 4 letter monograms using your standard embroidery fonts that you will find in your embroidery software and true type fonts. I show you how to create full sets of monograms ranging from 12 inches down to 1.5 inches. I also include a beautiful Medieval Font that I created for you. I offer it in many formats so that it will work in your software. I also include 2 true type fonts that can upload into your software that makes beautiful monograms.
How To Create Embroidery Design Templates – In this program I teach you how to create basic left chest sized, jacket back sizes and cap design templates. This will save you a lot of time and once you have your templates created, all you have to do is change the letters, tweak the spacing and your design is ready to sew out. You can create your basic lettering designs in a very short time when you learn how to create these templates. I even include a chart with all of my settings on it.
How To Create Embroidery Designs Using Letters & Shapes In Your Embroidery Designs Software – In this program, I teach you how to edit fonts and shapes to create embroidery designs and lettering to match your customer’s logo. I show you three different types of designs and teach you, step by step, how I created each one so you will know how to do it. The first design is done with shapes and stock embroidery lettering. The second one is with stock artwork and a true type font. The third is done with a very narrow true type font that requires a lot of editing techniques.
“Simple Step by Step Instructions For Embroidery Repairs!”
I give you simple step by step instructions on how to repair those horrible mistakes that we all try so hard to avoid! Unfortunately, everyone makes a mistake now and then, but you need to know how to save those expensive garments when mistakes do occur! Repair almost any mistake instead of starting from scratch! Sometimes you have garments that cannot be replaced! It is very important to have the skills to be able to fix these mistakes just in case you have items that customers have brought in to you and you do not have any way of replacing these items!
As A Gold Level Member, You Get Embroidery Basics, Embroidery Techniques, Design Basics
and the Monthly Trainings!
Click Here To View The Membership Levels Chart
As a Gold Plus Member, You Have Access To Everything In The Gold Level Plus You Get Many Business Building Strategies That Will Help You Take Your Embroidery Business To The Next Level!
Embroidery Business Forms – You will receive all of the basic Business Forms that you need to run your business such as Customer Order Forms, Supplier Order Form, Embroidery Design Quote Form, Design Approval Form, Release Form, Log in Form, a Packing List and much more! These forms are all given to you in an Excel format so that you can customize them to fit your business needs.
Embroidery Production Forms – You will receive the basic Production Forms that will help you to keep your workflow going smoothly such as Embroidery Machine Scheduler, Embroidery Design Worksheet, Embroidery Production Sheet, and Embroidery Spoilage Report forms. These forms are all given to you in an Excel format so that you can customize them to fit your production needs.
Embroidery Production Tracking & Scheduling System – This is a combination log in, production tracking, and scheduling form. You will be able to track and schedule each job and know exactly how long the job is going to take. You will even know how many hours of embroidery work you have in house at all times.
Embroidery Business Plan – This is a full program that will teach you how to plan out each area of your business and create a full embroidery business plan, one that you can use on a daily basis as your guide to running your embroidery business. I teach you how to create your 12 months Marketing Plan, how to create your Projections and even your Cash Flow report!
How to Price Embroidery – This is a full program teaching you how to create a pricing structure that will help you make the profit that you have been looking for. This program includes many formatted spreadsheets to work with and create a pricing structure that will fit any type of pricing situation within your apparel decorating business!
Embroidery Design Quoting Tools – You will finally have the tools to use to quote your embroidery designs! I teach you how to quote designs quickly while the customer waits! No more having to get back to them with a quote and taking the chance that they will move on to someone that can quote a design quicker!
Embroidery Business Marketing System – This is a full program teaching you how to market your business offline and online. I teach you how to organize all of your products and how to set up your website as well as your entire marketing system so that you will be able to reach and follow up with your market.
Click Here To View The Membership Levels Chart
RESULTS From Some Of My Students!
Meet Howard & Amanda Potter of ” A & P Master Images”. Howard & Amanda started working with me 12 years ago when they first started their embroidery business which has gone from $0 to over $1,500,000 and this year will be even better! They started the business in their home and have moved their business into their own building and are getting ready to expand again! Howard received the “Top Shop” award from “Stitches Magazine” in February of 2014.
They have gone on to received many other awards since then! They continue to grow and prosper each and every year! Howard is now able to take his wife on their own special getaway at least once per year!
I can honestly say I don’t know what we would have done without Joyce Jagger and her Embroidery Coach website and videos. We became members when we first started our business and quickly saw that it would benefit us greatly to become Lifetime members. We have watched all of her videos! Whenever we have a question we go there first and if we can’t find the answer we e-mail her. She is always so quick to respond, even calling us while waiting in an airport. The Embroidery Coach is such a valuable resource and I can’t imagine running our business without Joyce and her coaching business! Thank you, Joyce!
Susan and Mitch Maxwell
SmileDog Embroidery & Screen Printing
One day I was on the internet looking for embroidery information and happened on Joyce. I couldn’t believe that there was someone out there that understood everything I was going through and HAD THE ANSWERS ALL IN ONE PLACE! I called Joyce and she called me back the same day. I literally was in tears that I had found the person that understood and could help me with my embroidery business. She has been there done that and mastered it ALL. I immediately signed up to be a Gold Member and starting watching the videos. Joyce is a very gifted teacher!
I have learned to hoop better, maintain my machine properly, fix thread tension so now my machines run better (so many less thread breaks), and use the correct backing and needles. I have followed Joyce‚’s lessons and now my jobs run smoothly! With my new found confidence and knowledge I am ready to move my business forward. I am now ready to grow my business and with Joyce‚’s help, I know that it will happen.
Jordana Hollander
Seahorse Embroidery
Port Saint Lucie, FL
Which Ever Level You Are In Your Business, Inside Of The Embroidery Training Resource Center, We Have The Information And Systems To Help You Get To The Next Level With Easy To Understand, Step By Step Instructions In Embroidery Basics, Embroidery Techniques, Embroidery Design Techniques, and Business Strategies!
How Do I Know Which Level Is Right For Me?
- If you are new to embroidery but want to get a Quick Start with your Embroidery Business and move quickly the Gold Level is for YOU!
- If you own your own Embroidery Business and want to improve your skills to increase your profits with your embroidery business the Gold Level is for YOU!
- If you do not understand the settings that you need for your designs so that you can create high-quality embroidery, the Gold Level is for YOU!
- If you have had your embroidery business for some time and you cannot write yourself a paycheck! The Gold Plus Level is for YOU!
- If you are struggling and trying to get your prices right so you can make some money in your business, the Gold Plus Level is for YOU!
- If you know you need to hire someone to help you but do not know how to train them! The Gold Plus Level is for YOU!
- If you are not happy where you are, The Gold Plus Level is for YOU!
- If you want to improve your business in any way, then The Gold Plus Level is for YOU!
- If you are willing to do whatever it takes to take your business to the next level, the Gold Plus Level is perfect for YOU!
View The Membership Levels Chart To See What Programs Are Available In Each Level And Select The Membership Level That Is Right For You! Get Started TODAY!
You Cannot Afford To Wait Another Second To Get Started If You Want The Same Type Of Results That
Many Of My Other Students Are Having!

Gold Membership Levels!
Gold Annual Membership
$549 per year!
Click Here To Get Started Today!
Get One Month Free!
Gold Monthly Membership
$49.95 per month!
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Gold Plus Membership Levels!
Gold Plus Annual Membership
$997 per year!
Click Here To Get Started Today
Get Two Months Free!
Gold Plus Monthly Membership
$99.95 per month!
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Your Videos Make It Very Easy To Train My New Machine Operators! They Are A Huge Time Saver!
We have been into the videos several times. We had been a monthly member for a few months, until we changed to the Lifetime member. It is so convenient to use your videos for training my new machine operator. We’ve been showing her various procedures, but your explanations seem to make more sense to her, or just hearing someone else say the same thing really helps.
When I started my business, my only experience was on my own machine. I had not worked for anyone else, my background was accounting. When I searched for help, I was told, “You’ll just have to figure out what works for you.” Though in those early years, I did spend a lot of time and money traveling to various trade shows, and sat through the many excellent seminars to earn my embroidery education, I’m not really willing to send new employees on “vacation” to learn the way I had to. Your videos and printouts are an excellent choice for their training.
I especially like the Lifetime membership for my employees. I can schedule their training time around our production schedule to make certain production deadlines are our first priority, and any available time is used to review the training.
Thank you for making this available to us.
Jeannie Gehrer
Gear For You
Bel Aire, KS
Are You Working Way Too Hard In Your Embroidery Business, But Not Making Enough Money?
I want to thank you for all of your hard work and for the incredible amount of invaluable information you offer to new and established embroiderers. You are amazing! I just had to drop you a quick line to let you know how thrilled I am having access to your How To Price Program! What a great program! I started my business in 2006 and believe me, I’ve done a lot of research over the years.
Once we moved out of our home into a retail location, things changed dramatically. I have sat in on several classes over the years on how to price embroidery. Each of them had their own twist, but basically, they all had the same information for the calculations, so when I saw your program, I figured that it was just more of the same information so I passed it over.
We have been struggling financially and it wasn’t until the gal that does my invoices told me for the 100th time that I was not charging enough, that I decided to take another look at it. I thought I knew the formula. Now that I have your program, I know how wrong I was! It is so much more comprehensive than any of the others I have tried.
Yes, the core of the calculations is the same, but the additional variables that absolutely MUST be taken into consideration are built right into the system! Once you put your information into the base program, it creates your price list for you! It is a tremendous tool! The videos that explain the system really simplify the entire process. It is well worth the investment!
Cindy Proctor
Busy Bee Embroidery
Harrisburg, PA
Increase Your Organizational Skills, Increase Your Productivity,
Increase Your Monthly Income!
When I first started my embroidery business, I didn’t know where to turn for answers to my questions. But I’ve found you to be a terrific coach – so helpful with usable solutions. Whether I have a question about embroidery, how do I do this or why did this happen? I can come to you for answers promptly when I need the help and answer. When I have a question about marketing, you have solutions at the level that I can implement. When I have a question about shop layout & organization, you have solutions that work. There have been times that I think that I don’t need XXX in my business. But I watch the training and I find that I do need XXX and just didn’t realize it and I know how I can implement it!
I highly recommend Joyce Jagger as The Embroidery Coach. Joyce has helped me learn new skills, inspired me to reach beyond my comfort zone, and showed me how to add value to our business. I don’t know any place that you can get so much that is so useful!
Linda Gadwood
Omaha, NB
Get Started Today-Move Your Embroidery Business To The Next Level!

The Embroidery Coach Guarantee!
“Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”
If you aren’t 100% satisfied within 30 days – I don’t expect…or want…to keep your money. That means you can’t lose, no matter what!